Climate issues: Understand and act!

The climate emergency is here, but we can still act!

We have the opportunity and the duty to change our mentality, our ways of working and of evolving in our professional and personal environments.

On the Enterprise side, Managers, Leaders and Executives own the responsibility to imagine organizations that are compatible with a low-carbon future.

Whether it's reviewing your strategy, current processes, implementing individual and collective actions, or raising awareness of the situation and the issues at stake, we support you in the re-invention of your organization.


In the field of Education, as adults it is our responsibility to explain the situation to the younger generation, in order for them to be fully aware of what lies ahead of them.

We have the means to imagine with youngsters what the future world should be like and brainstorm together about the changes that need to be implemented.


Our proposal:

  • Collective Intelligence Workshops
    • We organize these workshops in your company or your school
    • According to your specificities and with no limit to the number of participants 
    • In-house or remote/online
    • In French or in English.
  • Team Coaching
    • We facilitate an in-depth reflection on the areas of application within your team, department or company
    • We help you define a realistic and actionable action plan, short- and medium term.
  • Commit your employees
    • We help in onboarding and committing your employees
    • We help in managing internal conflicts
  • Strategy
    • We help you design, launch and execute your transformation strategy towards a more sustainable model
    • We support in removing the obstacles and challenges encountered along the way



Workshop "The Climate Fresk"

A collaborative and playful experience to raise awareness of the climate challenge among your teams.

For whom?  

Everyone ! There are several formats and versions of the cards depending on the participants' age


This workshop is an opportunity to project yourself and your teams into a world that is compatible with climate change. It will inspire participants and allow them to integrate this new way of thinking into their daily lives.

Created by Cédric Ringenbach, the Climate Fresk is a serious game based on the IPCC scientific reports. By mobilizing the collective intelligence of the group, the Climate Fresk enables all audiences to take ownership of the topic of climate change.

The methodology based oncollective intelligence aims to avoid a vertical descent of knowledge, and will allow everyone to find their place in the session.

By highlighting the links between cause and effect, participants are able to, for the first time, take a step back, understand the climate issues in their entirety, express their emotions and brainstorm on the actions they can take.


More info :

by mail:

or by phone:

+41(0)76 502 19 13 / +33 (0)6 13 73 11 55