Stress Management and Burnout Prevention

Stress is an adaptation of the body that allows us to react to our environment.

Our organism responds to a stressful context with a three-phase reaction (alarm, resistance, exhaustion). This is the general adaptation syndrome discovered in 1935 by Hans Selye.

The general adaptation syndrome allows the physiological mechanisms of stress to be described in three phases:

Physiological mechanisms of stress: alarm, resistance, exhaustion

If the stress is prolonged, our ability to react is impaired, our body is exhausted and various pathological consequences appear.

Some people who are highly committed to their work, perfectionists and ambitious by nature seem more prone to burnout. Heavy family responsibilities and unconscious personal conflicts experienced simultaneously aggravate this predisposition, as does emotional loneliness.

Burnout, a chronic stress, seems to affect men and women in equal proportions in all professions.

Why use a coach

Coaching will allow the emergence of new responses to the risk of burnout:

  • Take a step back from your professional situation.
  • Analyse the issues and the means available to you to regain a balance and refocus on yourself.
  • Manage your stress and become aware of the link between your thoughts (ruminations), your emotions and your behaviour.
  • Improve your time management and the organisation of your activities, define priorities, set realistic goals and achieve them.
  • Become aware of your potential and regain the self-confidence necessary to let go.
  • To anchor yourself in the present and be able to project yourself into the future.
  • Undertake your change by freeing yourself from your fears, build your projects, whether they are professional or personal.
  • Solve your relationship difficulties, learn to communicate, assert yourself and manage conflicts.
  • Understand and react, defend yourself better and bounce back.